JULY 10, 2014

traceandmikeJune 7, 1952—-July 10, 2014


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6 Responses to JULY 10, 2014

  1. saramajors says:

    Much love and sympathy to you my friend

  2. Zorba says:

    Hugs and love to you, Michael. I know that you still miss Trace so much.

  3. rainnnn says:

    It’s the sad part of loving someone because it’s the inevitable end one way or the other 😦

  4. robin andrea says:

    Just seeing Trace’s face tugs so much at my heart. That smile and those sparkling eyes. The person in there, so beautiful. He is remembered with so much love.

  5. Karmanot says:

    Thank you my friends. Grief is a garden that needs constant weeding. Thank Gawd I am a gardener! 🙂

    • Zorba says:

      May your garden continue to give you solace and healing. And I’m sure that Andie helps, as well.

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